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Restylane in Louisville, KY

Restylane in LouisvilleWhen your facial skin loses its firmness and wrinkles and lines begin setting in, these early signs of aging can be addressed with injectable treatments. Restylane® is one of the world’s most popular brands of dermal filler. Skin treated with its hyaluronic acid gel becomes fuller and retains moisture better, which helps to smooth and soften the appearance of your face. Because of its volumizing properties, Restylane is also used to plump the lips. Our team of Aestheticians in Louisville is pleased to offer this excellent treatment.

Types of Restylane

In addition to traditional Restylane, Galderma, a leading name in skin care, manufactures an entire family of Restylane products. Variations include:

  • Restylane Silk: This was the first filler approved by the FDA for subtle lip enhancement. Because this filler’s particles are smaller than average, the injector can achieve more precise and natural-looking results.
  • Restylane Lyft: Formerly known as Perlane, Restylane Lyft is the one dermal filler that has FDA approval for restoring volume in your cheeks and mid-face region. It is also the filler of choice if you would like to rejuvenate your hands.
  • Restylane Refyne: Some injectables can erase lines to the point where they do not even show up when you make facial expressions. Refyne smooths lines while your face is at rest, but it does not prevent lines from appearing when your face emotes. This helps your face to appear more natural and less enhanced.
  • Restylane Defyne: This type of Restylane is the best choice for minimizing deeper lines, such as the nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

Our Aestheticians can help you choose a specific type of filler that best suits your cosmetic goals.

Restylane Treatment Details

Restylane treatment in LouisvilleInjectable treatments are brief appointments with minimal discomfort. Restylane includes lidocaine, a local anesthetic, so pain should be limited to the initial prick from the needle. A skilled injector selects a specific injection point (or multiple points) that best fulfills your desired results.

Restylane Recovery

Restylane requires no downtime, which means that you are free to resume your normal activities as soon as your treatment is complete. You may experience some mild swelling and bruising at the point of injection, but that typically clears up within a day or two. You do not need to worry about lingering discomfort.

Restylane Results

Although improvement to the skin can be seen immediately following the treatment, please allow a few weeks for the final results to manifest. The effects of Restylane can last up to six months. At that point, you may return for a follow-up appointment for another injection to maintain your results.

Restylane Costs

Restylane is appealing to many patients because it is moderately less expensive than other dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Radiesse. The exact cost depends on the type and amount of Restylane used in the treatment, which can be discussed when meeting with one of our experts at a consultation.

Schedule a Consultation

Physician’s Center for Beauty is pleased to offer the Restylane family of products to help rejuvenate your face, lips, and hands. If you would like to experience Restylane’s volumizing and hydrating effects for yourself, please schedule a consultation by calling 502-897-7546 today.

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