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Breast Augmentation
Louisville, KY

Quick Facts

  • Breast Implant Type: Saline or silicone
  • Incision Options: Inframammary, Periareolar, Transaxillary
  • Placement Options: Subglandular, submuscular
  • Procedure: Outpatient
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Duration of Procedure: About 90 minutes
  • Initial Recovery Phase: About five days
  • Results: Apparent immediately, but continue to improve for several months

If you are frustrated with the size, shape or asymmetrical nature of your breasts, consider undergoing breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Sean Maguire of the Physician’s Center for Beauty. Dr. Maguire has helped countless women achieve the breasts of their dreams, and he can do the same for you. To view Dr. Maguire’s patients’ breast augmentation results, visit our breast augmentation gallery.

What Does Breast Augmentation Accomplish?

Breast augmentation Louisville KYDr. Maguire performs breast augmentation surgery to help patients address a variety of aesthetic concerns. Some women simply desire larger, more voluminous breasts while others seek a more dramatic degree of cleavage. Other patients would like to correct breast asymmetry. Additionally, some women are unhappy with deflated-looking breasts or other cosmetic changes that often occur as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, major weight loss or the natural aging process. Dr. Maguire can also place breast implants as part of breast reconstruction surgery following lumpectomy or mastectomy for the treatment of breast cancer.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

In general, breast augmentation might be right for you if:

  • You are unhappy with the small size, shape or asymmetry of your breasts
  • You have realistic expectations for what breast augmentation surgery can accomplish
  • You are in good general health
  • You recognize that breast implants are not intended to be lifetime devices
  • You have decided to pursue breast augmentation of your own accord
  • You are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding

What Are the Available Incision Patterns?

Dr. Maguire offers three incision patterns:

  • Inframammary incisions, which involve placing a horizontal incision underneath the natural fold of each breast
  • Periareolar incisions, which are made around the outer perimeter of each areola (the darkly colored skin surrounding the nipple)
  • Transaxillary incisions, which involve positioning an incision in each armpit area

During consultation, Dr. Maguire helps you choose the incision pattern that is right for you, based on the type of breast implant you choose, your aesthetic concerns and your anatomical needs.

What Are the Implant Placement Options?

Dr. Maguire offers subglandular and submuscular breast implant placement. With subglandular placement, the Louisville breast augmentation surgeon positions implants beneath the breast glandular tissue but above the pectoralis (chest) muscle. With submuscular placement, he positions implants beneath the chest muscle. There are benefits and drawbacks to each placement method; however, many patients prefer submuscular placement to minimize the chance of implants being visible underneath the skin’s surface.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

Breast augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes about 90 minutes. It is performed with the use of general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Maguire places breast implants, using the incision and placement method that you agreed upon during the preoperative process. Once he is finished, he dresses the treatment area with soft bandages and an overlying surgical bra, which helps minimize swelling and provides added support to the healing tissues. You are taken to a room where you can rest while the effects of the anesthesia wear off. Once you are cleared, you are released into the care of an authorized individual, who can take you home to recuperate.

What Is the Recovery Like?

Breast Augmentation Results Louisville KY You will need to take about five days off from work or your usual activities. During this time, the treatment area may be swollen, tender or sore, but these are normal symptoms that should improve over time. You can alleviate any discomfort by taking oral pain relievers as directed by Dr. Maguire. You should rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting and exercising. Dr. Maguire will let you know when it is safe to remove the surgical bra and resume your normal activities.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

When is the Best Age to Have Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation Treatment Louisville KYAny woman over the age of 18 may be a candidate for breast augmentation. Saline breast implants are FDA-approved for those 18 and older and saline implants are approved for 22 and older. Women have breast augmentation for countless reasons. Whether you wish to correct asymmetrical breasts or increase your breast size, there is no perfect age for breast augmentation. Women well into their 60s and even 70s have the procedure to enhance their bust and improve body confidence.

You need to be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for your breast augmentation results. Dr. Maguire will discuss your breast surgery options during your consultation at our Louisville office.

What If I Have Sagging Breasts and Want Breast Enlargement?

Breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift (mastopexy) if you have moderate to severe sagging breasts. Dr. Maguire can discuss your options for increasing size and elevating the position of your bust in a combined procedure. A mastopexy lifts and reshapes the breast tissue for a perkier, more rounded appearance. Combining breast enhancement with breast implants and a breast lift is a safe and effective way to achieve your desired results.

How Will Breast Augmentation Affect Nipple Sensation?

The breast augmentation procedure may cause temporary numbness in the nipples, but normal sensations should return a few weeks after breast surgery. It’s rare for this nipple numbness to be permanent. Some incision options may increase your risk for nipple sensation changes, such as a periareolar approach which involves an incision along the lower half of the pigmented skin around the nipple (areola). Large implants and subglandular placement may also increase this risk. Overall, the loss of nipple sensitivity is a rare occurrence after breast augmentation, especially when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Maguire.

While some women experience decreased sensitivity, others may have heightened nipple sensations after healing.

Can I Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants?

Many women go on to breastfeed successfully after breast augmentation, but you should bring up this concern during your consultation with Dr. Maguire as it may impact the surgical approach. The size of the implant, placement in the breasts and incision site may all affect future breastfeeding.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

Breast augmentation is a highly customized procedure, as every patient is unique. The cost of your breast augmentation may depend on the type of implant, surgical approach and whether you’re combining the plastic surgery with another procedure. Dr. Maguire and our staff will compile a detailed price estimate for your breast enhancement that covers pre- and post-op visits, the procedure, surgical facility fees and other expenses. Our office staff can discuss your financing options.

Will I Have Significant Scars After Breast Enhancement?

Breast Enhancement Surgery Louisville KYScarring from the incisions made during breast augmentation to place the breast implants depends on the surgical approach. The inframammary incision will leave a scar in the crease beneath the breasts that is easily concealed with a bra or bikini top. A periareolar incision is camouflaged in the bottom portion of your areolas, and a transaxillary incision leaves a scar in the underarms, leaving no marks on the breasts.

Incisions from breast enlargement will fade over time. You can minimize your breast augmentation scars by staying hydrated, eating a nutritious diet, avoiding smoking and wearing sunscreen. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your incisions after healing, silicone sheeting, topical cortisone cream, vitamin E and laser skin resurfacing can minimize more pronounced scars.

When Can I Return to Work After My Breast Augmentation?

You will have physical activity restrictions for several weeks after your breast augmentation, which may impact when you can go back to work. If you work a desk job, remotely or in other professions with light activity, you may return to work one to two weeks after your breast enhancement.

Love Your Breasts

With breast augmentation surgery, you will love the look of your breasts. To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Maguire to learn more about breast enhancement surgery, contact Physician’s Center for Beauty.

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