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Common Questions About Rhinoplasty

Written by Dr. Sean Maguire on November 9, 2017

Questions about rhinoplasty in Louisville

As one of your most prominent and noticeable features, your nose can influence the entire appearance of your face. People who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose often feel self-conscious, which can lead to embarrassment or insecurity. Dr. Sean Maguire, a cosmetic surgeon in Louisville, answers a few of the most common questions surrounding rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery.

Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

There are several things to consider before scheduling a rhinoplasty procedure. If one or more of the following points applies to you, then you may be a good candidate for the procedure:

  • You are dissatisfied and frequently self-conscious about the size or shape of your nose.
  • Your nose healed asymmetrically following an injury and you’d like to restore its natural look.
  • Your nostrils or septum affect your ability to breathe properly.
  • You wish to alter your nose purely for your own reasons, not to please someone else.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

The two primary approaches to rhinoplasty are the “open” and “closed” techniques. During an “open” rhinoplasty, an incision is made on the columella (the small strip of skin between your nostrils), giving your surgeon better visibility and control. This will leave a small scar, but in a place unlikely to be noticed. In a “closed” technique, your doctor will approach the surgery from inside your nose, making an incision on the nostrils’ interior. This eliminates scars and reduces healing time, but does not provide the surgeon with as clear a view. You and your surgeon will determine which approach is best for you, depending on the type of work you are having done and your cosmetic goals.

How Long Does it Take to Heal?

As with any surgery, recovery from a nose job takes a little patience and a lot of rest. While rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, you should count on taking two weeks off of work and from your normal routine. Initially, patients should elevate their heads at all times, even while sleeping, and may experience a significant amount of swelling. Nasal packs and splints may be used to provide support and aid recovery. You will meet with Dr. Maguire for several follow-up appointments so he can monitor your healing progress and make modifications as needed. While you’ll be able to see the difference soon after surgery, it may take up to a year for all residual swelling to subside and for the final results to be visible.

Rhinoplasty can be a game-changing procedure for some, improving both your physical and psychological outlook. Email or call Physician’s Center for Beauty today at (502) 897-7546 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sean Maguire.

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