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New Year Resolutions for Healthier Skin

Written by Dr. Sean Maguire on December 10, 2017

New Year resolutions for skin

It’s easy to treat yourself to the occasional facial or splurge on a fun new shade of lip color. A little pampering can give your skin a much-needed boost, but sticking to a regular skincare routine is the best way to keep your face healthy and looking young. In this blog, Dr. Sean Maguire, a plastic surgery specialist in Louisville, offers some New Year resolutions for healthier skin.

Remove Your Makeup Before Bed

While removing the day’s dirt and grim is probably a part of your nightly routine, there are nights when all you want to do is jump straight into bed. Here are some tips for fighting the urge to cut corners on your evening scrubbing:

  • Wash up right when you come home. If you know you’re in for the night, head straight to the sink to avoid fighting sleep later in the evening.
  • Nip part of the problem in the bud by keeping your makeup brushes clean. Brushes can trap oils and dead skin cells that find their way back to your face, causing a cycle of pore-clogging buildup. Clean your brushes once a week to make your nightly routine more effective.
  • Keep a packet of makeup removing facial wipes in your nightstand drawer. It’s important to wash your face every night, but this will do in a pinch on days when you’ve gone light on the makeup and are completely exhausted.

Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Sunscreen keeps you safe from burns at the beach, but it should also be part of your daily beauty routine. Find a moisturizer that contains a minimum of SPF 15 for your face. When applying, don’t neglect your neck and ears — anything exposed to UV rays deserves daily protection to prevent age spots and melanoma. If you avoid moisturizers because they feel greasy, your dermatologist can recommend a lightweight and oil-free product.

Stop Picking at Your Face

Each time you touch your face, pore-clogging oils, dirt and bacteria are transferred to your skin. Picking at your blemishes only causes more inflammation, which not only delays healing, but can also lead to the buildup of scar tissue. Making a conscious effort to keep your fingers away from your face will help keep your skin clear and prevent blemishes.

The New Year is a great time to develop healthy habits, including a daily skin regimen. To schedule a consultation to discuss your skin goals for 2018, call Physician’s Center for Beauty at (502) 897-7546.

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